United Nations release fantastic IDAHOT fight song!
The video, titled ‘Why We Fight”, brings together footage shot by [...]
Breaking News: US Supreme Court rules gay marriage is legal nationwide
Supreme Court strikes down remaining the bans on gay marriage, [...]
US: Study finds most Christians support marriage equality and oppose religious freedom laws
Ahead of the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, [...]
Westboro Baptist Church weigh in on Ireland’s historic marriage equality referendum
The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an unaffiliated Baptist church [...]
It’s official! Ireland Votes Yes to Marriage Equality in Landmark Referendum
Ireland has officially become the first country to legalise same-sex marriage [...]
Have your cake AND eat it! Gay Cake Row: “This is direct discrimination for which there can be no justification.”
A Christian bakery which refused to bake a marriage equality cake [...]